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Other matching criteria

Concept of compatibility

The matchmaker operates on a concept of compatibility. Players are compatible with each other, if their criteria overlap. Criteria can be freely defined and could be e.g. the platform the player uses (e.g. xbox, pc), their preferred language or any other criterion you care about. For each player that is being enqueued, compatibility information is attached. For example, the following information could be attached to a player:

"platform": "xbox",
"language":["spanish", "english"]

When looking for suitable opponents, the matchmaker will only consider those other players, that share at least one common item for each criteria.

Setting criteria

The criteria can be freely set by the game developer. If no criteria are defined, perfect compatibility is assumed. If players are submitted to the matchmaker with different criteria (e.g. one has 'platform', the other doesn't), the matchmaking will not take place between these two players.

Latency (see Latency) is just one specific criterion of 'compatibility', that is frequently used, but any can be defined by the game developer.