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Latency and region

The matchmaker takes the locations of your players into account, to create matches of players with low latency between them. While skill is the primary target the matchmaker observes, it ensures that only matches are created that provide a sufficiently low ping.

Location list

Criterium: at least one location in common

For the servers argument you can provide a list of server-locations (string) you operate, e.g. [eu-west,us-east,cn-east]. If your player only has a sufficiently good ping to some of these locations, only provide those viable locations in the list. Order them by best to worst ping. When searching for matches, the matchmaker will only match players that have at least one location in common. When multiple locations are possible, it will take the one highest in the lists.


Criterium: Lowest, balanced ping

For the servers argument you can provide a dictionary of server-locations and their respective pings. The matchmaker create matches with the lowest, balanced ping possible.


Criterium: Ping to beacon locations
{server:ping} If you are using peer-to-peer, we can provide you with ping beacons. You can have players measure ping to the beacons and submit them (see above ping-map) when entering matchmaking. The matchmaker will create a match where both players have a good ping to one of the beacons. This beacon will be reported back to the players on match creation.


Criterium: Location of server is decided by player's ip

When you are using Edgegap as a server-provider and Idem launches the instances on your behalf (see player-based architecture), the optimal location for the server will be selected by Edgegap, based on the IP of the player. However, it is still required, that you provide a list of server with each request (either Location list or Ping-map). The matchmaker will only match those players, that have on of the items on the server-list in common. This way only those players are put into a match, that will have a sufficiently low latency between them. When the match is made and the server on Edgegap is being requested, Edgegap will select their location, that offers the best connectivity to the players in the match.